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"Contorno Mediterraneo" vegetable side dish ("Caponata") - Cooked peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions in tomato juice, 800 g

Ühik: metallkast
Laoseis: Tellimisel
9,75 €

12,18 €/Kg
"Contorno Mediterraneo" köögiviljade lisand ("Caponata") - paprika, suvikõrvits, baklažaan, sibul tomatimahlas praetud – 800g
KOOSTIS: Köögiviljad 59% (paprika 26%, baklažaan 12%, kabatšokk 12%, sibul 9%), tomati viljaliha 36%, päevalilleseemneõli, suhkur, sool, küüslauk, pipar, petersell, happesuse regulaator: piimhape, lõhna- ja maitseaine.

TOITUMISALANE TEAVE 100 grammi kohta:
Energeetiline väärtus (KJ): 201 kJ
Energeetiline väärtus (KCAL): 48kcal
Rasv: 2,4 g
Küllastunud rasvad: 0,2 g
Süsivesikud: 4,7 g
millest suhkrud: 3,6 g
Valk: 1,0 g
Sool: 1,1 g

Gluteenivaba. Piimavaba.
See toode ei sisalda geneetiliselt muundatud organisme.

Fresh red and yellow peppers of selected quality, cooked with fresh onion and tomato.
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: An excellent second course or pasta and rice accompaniment ; also an ideal side dish with boiled meat, steaks, omelettes. FOR PASTAS: Heat the peperonata on low heat and mix with some pasta. AS A SIDE DISH: like it is or Mix with boiled potatoes.
Netokaal 800g.
weight 0.800
Sarnased tooted
Itaalia paprikahautis "Peperonata" – 800 g
,   Laoseis: Laos
8,63 €