Мука для пиццы из непросеянной муки "La Ricchezza del Grano" тип 2, 25 кг
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Кол-во: Свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте, чтобы заказать этот товар
2,06 €/кг
51,55 €
2,06 €/кг
Мука для пиццы из непросеянной муки "La Ricchezza del Grano" тип 2, 25 кг
ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: муки тип 2.
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ПИЩЕВАЯ ЦЕННОСТЬ на 100 г продукта:
Энергетическая ценность (кДж): 1424
Энергетическая ценность (KCAL): 336
Жиры (г): 1,35
Насыщенные жиры (г): 0,3
Углеводы (г): 68,6
Из которых сахара (г): 1,4
Белки (г): 11,4
Salt: 0,005
Farina "type 2” by Grandi Molini Italiani is a flour made by milling fine grains whose germ has been kept indoors, after being milled using an exclusive stone grinding technique (wholemeal flour), and subsequently passed through a tumbler screen.
A source of fibre and phosphorus that increases the quality of the finished product. The wheat germ and essential oils of the grain are mixed with the starchy part, giving the flour its characteristic ivory colour and darker spots, typical of stone grinding.
Stone-ground flours, which preserve intact the vitamin and unsaturated fat content of the germ, are ideal for the production of home-style bread, pizza and focaccia bread.
Suitable for pizza chefs.
Flour obtained by grinding of fine grains, whose germ was kept inside, after being reduced to flour
using a unique technique of stone grinding. Specifically designed for the high amount of fiber that
elevates the quality of the final product.
The stone ground flour, which keeps intact the content of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids of
the germ, are ideal for the production of pizzas and breads of high quality and healty nutritional contents.
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ПИЩЕВАЯ ЦЕННОСТЬ на 100 г продукта:
Энергетическая ценность (кДж): 1424
Энергетическая ценность (KCAL): 336
Жиры (г): 1,35
Насыщенные жиры (г): 0,3
Углеводы (г): 68,6
Из которых сахара (г): 1,4
Белки (г): 11,4
Salt: 0,005
Farina "type 2” by Grandi Molini Italiani is a flour made by milling fine grains whose germ has been kept indoors, after being milled using an exclusive stone grinding technique (wholemeal flour), and subsequently passed through a tumbler screen.
A source of fibre and phosphorus that increases the quality of the finished product. The wheat germ and essential oils of the grain are mixed with the starchy part, giving the flour its characteristic ivory colour and darker spots, typical of stone grinding.
Stone-ground flours, which preserve intact the vitamin and unsaturated fat content of the germ, are ideal for the production of home-style bread, pizza and focaccia bread.
Suitable for pizza chefs.
Flour obtained by grinding of fine grains, whose germ was kept inside, after being reduced to flour
using a unique technique of stone grinding. Specifically designed for the high amount of fiber that
elevates the quality of the final product.
The stone ground flour, which keeps intact the content of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids of
the germ, are ideal for the production of pizzas and breads of high quality and healty nutritional contents.
weight | 25 |
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